Change is the only Constant! And we need to ADAPT to it well!

December 7, 2022 0 Comments

The world is changing very fast and it will continuously change. “Change is the only Constant”. Those who adapt well, thrive through. Those who don’t, remain stuck behind! We need to be ready for it & anticipate that change. 

We go wrong, when we don’t change ourselves as per the need of the time. When we don’t anticipate the change happening and plan accordingly. When we want to remain in our comfort zone. It’s all about a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset, which should be addressed from early childhood.

This soft skill is very relevant for all of us. And for children as well, because as they grow, they will be noticing many changes in themselves, as well as the world around them. This skill is going to give them an edge over many others who don’t have this.

Simple examples in case of children where their natural innate fixed mindset comes into play – 

  • When they feel difficulty shifting to a new house leaving their old friends behind
  • When they feel difficulty shifting to their new school leaving their old teachers and friends behind
  • When they feel shocked & become low that suddenly in their happy life, something bad happens
  • When they feel annoyed when someone they thought to be their good friend, turns out a bad one

All these situations have one thing in common – Change from what we expected or anticipated.

Let’s educate children about adaptability skills.

It’s an ability to make necessary changes in us, with changing time, changing situations, changing circumstances and changing environment. Adaptability is the sign of wisdom & intelligence. Not adapting to changing times is harmful for our own growth. Even plants and animals also make necessary changes in themselves as per changed food and climatic conditions

We have not seen the future. And it is full of suspenses, so why not be open for those changes, as they will occur anyways. It is not in our hands. If we want to be successful in life, we can’t remain stagnant. We must learn to change as per the times.

Why is it difficult for us to adapt easily with a changed situation or environment?

Our mind does not like change. It wants to remain in the comfort zone because effort is very less there. But the truth is, time, events, circumstances all will change. They do not remain constant. So, we have to train our mind to anticipate the change and make improvements in ourselves accordingly

And is Adaptability difficult actually? Not at all! It is as easy as we change our clothing patterns during summers, or winters, or rainy days! We just need to be wise enough to change our approach and mindset according to the change we see outside.

Let’s expose kids to these important points & give right cause-effects to train their minds – 

Make your mind flexible. Don’t be rigid to the change – Never be rigid. When we become rigid, only then we can’t adapt well. Be open for the change. Be open minded and strong hearted. More you become rigid, more time you will take to adapt, or even sometimes if you don’t change, it will hurt or harm your prospects only

Ask yourself to go with the flow and don’t resist – Be like water. If water goes in a jug, it takes the form of a jug. If water goes into the glass, it takes the shape of the glass. If water goes in a container, it takes the shape of that container. We should also be like water. Just flow as per the time and changes happening. Will a rigid stone be able to change itself during the time of need? No. But water can

Have belief that you will manage the change well – Sometimes we fear that we might lose this, we might lose that. Sometimes we fear that we might not be able to adapt well. Do not worry. Just have the belief and say to yourself that you are strong enough to change yourself as per the need of the hour. Have strong self belief

Try to anticipate the change and plan well in advance – The change will occur. So instead of thinking that change should not happen, anticipate any change coming and plan accordingly. That’s what successful people do efficiently. And that’s what makes all the difference between them and unsuccessful ones

Think what can be done, rather than what should have not happened – Think of possibilities, your best alternatives, rather than thinking it should not happen. Think about what is in your hand, which you can control, and not what you can’t control. If some friend has ditched you, think what next can be done, rather than crying. One can make new friends distancing oneself from the bad friends.

Develop a growth mindset. Growth happens only in times of change – Always have a growth mindset rather than a stagnant mindset. You know, we can only grow when we undergo tests, difficulties and changes. For growth, for a positive change, we have to face some opposition. The difficult changing time poses that challenge to us, and we have to develop a growth mindset to overcome that challenge and win over it. You know, even to grow in height, we have to overcome the gravitational force of earth!

Make the necessary change yourself you should be making – Sometimes, we ourselves need to initiate & make the necessary changes. Be it leaving a bad friend, or becoming more disciplined in life, or leaving bad eating habits. Make the necessary changes you feel should be done. Be strong to have the control of your life in your hands

Discard comfort zone – Always say to yourself, “I will not remain in my comfort zone”. By comfort zone, it means, we just stay protected and comfortable in what we had been staying. There is no challenge and no growth. We are comfortably settled. But remember, times and environments are changing. If we remain in our comfort zone, we will lag behind!

Be forward looking – Always look forward. What can be done now? What can be done next. We can’t go into the past and correct. Also, we just can’t continue seeing back as we will then not be able to focus on what lies ahead!

Adapt well, and you will Thrive more! Some counseling, some hand holding & some education on this, can help children develop that enriching positive flexible mindset to anticipate that coming change!

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