Write to win hearts!
Pen is mightier than sword! With the advent of different social networking platforms, our writing has taken a backseat a bit. Where earlier, we used to focus a lot on our writing expression, nowadays, we tend to either say a recorded message or use shortened versions for quick chat or simply the picture posts.
Writing is a big part of communications, and is an important method of expression, be it done interpersonally or addressing the masses. Write-ups sometimes have that power to penetrate through the heart and create the desired Impact which verbal words can’t make.
We read newspapers, books, novels, stories, magazines, etc but what is it that gets us involved in the writing? Yes, the story or the content, but the way the writer has written that, is what strikes our imagination and makes us feel absorbed.
Writing skills are needed at many places. Not only creative writing, but regular day to day writing as well. When we write emails, formal applications, informal whatsapp messages, informal Thank-yous or Sorrys messages, or even greeting cards. We need to write to express ourselves well, and also for our reader to understand us better. Written words have the maximum power to remain intact and influence many people. Verbal words can get lost or forgotten, but written words will remain forever. That’s why we have Holy books written, mails written, magazines and newspapers written, and essays written.
So does everybody write well? No. Because just like any other skill, this skill also need some polishing
Key points we should put across to our children to make them good writers –
Grab the attention of the reader. The first line should be catchy and yet descriptive – The first line of any write-up creates an impression. We do hear the phrase “First impression is the last impression”. So, therefore the opening line should be good, catchy, yet descriptive so that the reader should be able to have an instant idea what we are going to talk about in next paragraphs, or in our write-ups.
Be specific. Be simple. Don’t confuse your reader – The reader should be able to understand our message well without any understanding gap. So, better to be specific, stick to the topic, not deviate, and try to make the write-ups clear for the reader to understand. If the reader is not able to understand, they will not get absorbed into it, and will lose interest in reading.
Use easy, understandable words. Make it clear – Write as per the audience/reader. Use words which our reader can understand. Anticipate readers’ thoughts and opinions. Because if heavy, non-understandable words are there, the reader might not get the context right. Now, everyone will not keep a dictionary alongside to read the meanings time and again. So, use easy and everyday words.
Elegance with simplicity – We need to be elegant in our writing. It should feel appealing. It should not be boring. Not too much style, but certain elements which make it appealing. Some phrases, some extracts, some sentences, which can be appealing for the reader. At the same time, it should not become complex. It should remain simple. So, simple but elegant. That’s the balance to be made
Structure it well. Use different Paras, for different messages/ideas – Structure the write-up well. Connect the dots. The sequence should have logic. When one type of message is conveyed, and we need to move to another message, or element, or idea in our write-up, use another paragraph. Because one paragraph demonstrates one mood, and the reader’s mind is trying to grab that. If we mix ideas within one para, the reader’s mind can get confused. Different paras give clear distinction between different ideas/messages.
Take care of articles, prepositions, connectors, conjunctions & overall grammar – Whether we write in any language, our grammar should be right. Vocabulary, as well as other elements. Because if that’s wrong, a whole different meaning can get conveyed from what we actually meant to deliver. Good grammar means good writing. Never screw up with grammar.
Listen to your heart and pen it down – Writing comes from within. Good writing comes straight from the heart. Our heart wants to say a particular thing in a specific way. Listen to that, and we will find a lot of sentences and words automatically coming up. Also, it adds a lot of emotion in our write-up. Of Course to maintain decency and sobriety in our write-ups
Provoke a question in readers’ mind – When we evoke or provoke a question in the mind of the reader, he/she gets more involved and absorbed. He/she gets more associated with our write-up. We need to be engaging and provoking.
Understand the mood/sentiment of the reader – We also have to anticipate the mood of the reader, and how we can make him/her comfortable. It’s best applied in our informal whatsapp messages or greetings. Our write-up should comfort the other person, so our choice of words, sentences, message etc should be according to that.
Be creative. Be exciting. Use figures of speech – Use good creativity, make the reader awestruck or mesmerized by our writing. Using metaphors etc as desired, which the reader can understand. For that, we need to read a lot first!
So, we all can be creative writers, but we should not copy or tend to write in a specific format or forte what others follow. Whatever our hearts feel comfortable and oriented towards, we should use that forte. For example – I am comfortable writing essays and blogs, and my heart comes with a lot of ideas in a flow when I start writing, but I can’t write poems. On the other hand, my sister likes to write poems and her mind and heart works in that forte, so she can’t write essays/blogs as I can write. So, follow your strengths!
What activities we can ask children at home to improve upon their writing skills! These would not be the ones already taught in schools (like letter or essays), but other interesting activities which will make them comfortable in any type of writing.
“Describe yourself in 50 words” activity – When children have to make their best choice of words and sentences, putting forward the exact message they want to put across, sticking to the word limit, their true writing gets tested. They are made to think about structuring, understanding the reader, balancing the use of words and all other key elements. It will also give clarity to children what is redundant and what’s essential
‘Imaginative writing’ activity – There are few words written, and children are asked to write some fiction or story that should contain any of the 3 words & their usage. Words can be – Money, Plane, Unicorn, Key, Tree, Screwdriver, Battery, Ball, Skateboard, Robot, Car, Rainbow. The fiction should make sense. It allows children to imagine, structure their thoughts, connect the dots, make it engaging and express what they want to express well
‘Informal Writing’ activity – Children are asked to write informal messages, to a friend, or school teacher, or social media greetings post, giving some scenarios. Children have to be guided that they ensure writing’s Do’s and Don’ts as pointed earlier in the blog
‘Observation writing’ activity – Children have to observe nature, or surrounding and express it in their words/thoughts/feelings. By this, children will improve their contemplating prowess, practice thought structuring and other elements of good writing
‘Write to show gratitude’ activity – Children have to write something about anyone they want to thank or show gratitude to. They can do it in the form of a small message, or a greeting card or even a poem. They should express in such a manner that the receiver feels very emotional after receiving that notion of thanks
‘Write to your adversary’ activity – Children are made to express themselves to people with whom they are not having a good equation. It can be a write-up to boss who has not paid us salary, or to the person who shared our team’s secret to others, or to a bully who has teased our friend or any other adversary. Children will have all the feelings to express, but they have to make that balance to strike the chord, so they will forced to make right choice of tone, words and evocation that will bring the desired change of hearts of the other person
Writing is an art. If done rightly, it creates a long lasting impact. Good writing makes the reader think, contemplate and reflect. Let’s make our children aware of this power and coach them for good writing skills from an early age!