Our subconscious mind start getting shaped in first 7 to 8 years of our life!
Children are very observant. In their early age, they are constantly trying to figure out what’s happening and decipher what’s reality. But here is the thing. Their mind is yet under ‘Work in Progress’ and they are in a state where they are more imaginative & meditative. Yes, they are not operating from conscious mind, as their neural system is under development. They are more in their subconscious state.
The roots of their life approach and thought process is being laid down in early age. They perceive the external environment, other’s response/reactions, develop patterns which gradually start becoming a part of their subconscious.
When we grow, our life is the function of how we approach situations, navigate them and from which mindset we operate. Everything seeding is happening in the early age, which we tend to ignore or are unaware about. Yes, the seed of Soft Skills aka Life Skills shall begin from early age, as it goes a long way with us throughout our lives.
For example, a child has less tendency to take ownership of things if the house is kept messy and the family is ignorant about it. A child might take life as a struggle, if others around him/her overreact to situations, being frustrated all the time even for small things. A child might become argumentative if the discussion around him/her is not happening amicably, but in an argumentative way. A child might become spendthrift, if the family’s money management skills are poor. A child might become more inconsiderate or even develop a wrong negotiation attitude, if he/she is being over pampered.
Everything is being shaped from an early age. The more we delay it, the more harm we do to a child’s prospects in his/her life.
Soft Skills are essential life skills which should never be ignored. It’s imperative to educate children about the nuances and give them necessary awareness. While we do focus on their elementary conventional education, soft skills aka life skills education shall not lag behind. What is empathy, how to cultivate it, how to develop good listening skills, how to address any of their mind’s complexes holding them back, how to be more responsible with things and words they say, how to upkeep their resources & belongings, how to deal with failures, how to face challenges, how to put forward their viewpoint, how to manage conflicts, and all the other important “how’s”.
The subconscious mind is everything. It’s the stem, the backbone of our existence. The experiences of the early age leave long lasting imprints and in some sense dictate our life destiny. Another important thing to understand is, soft skills learning is a journey, a process. We should embrace the process rather than expecting immediate fruits. Sometimes, it reaps the fruits later as the subconscious is already groomed.
Let’s consciously shape the subconscious of children so that they don’t lose their precious adulthood time living in some wrong bubble. Some seeding in early ages help them provide all the due clarity and their self discovery is expedited.
Together, we Can!
Bloom – Soft Skills for Children