The seed of ‘Relationships Building & Teamwork’ should be sown in Childhood!

October 20, 2022 0 Comments

In this world, one thing is imperative, that we can’t afford to be an individual player, if we want to go far. Our capabilities are restricted if we don’t work together. Goes for professional context, where we need to build connections, work as a team and mutually benefit each other, as well as personal context, …

Teach children to rationalise their feelings & thoughts

September 10, 2022 0 Comments

We have 2 voices inside us, and children start knowing this as they become more conscious and as they grow. Sometimes, they know the right voice, but still falter for the wrong voice, just because they don’t have strong validation to look upto. That’s when we parents come into picture, to provide that external validation …

How we can help children with Money Management Skills at home.

September 9, 2022 0 Comments

Money management is what everyone should learn, as a dedicated course. We are always directed towards getting a job, making money, doing a degree, but no one actually guides us how to manage that thing well. And, as we know, becoming rich has nothing to do with the quantum of resources at our disposal, but …

Listening skills are underrated. It makes a lot of impact actually!

September 9, 2022 0 Comments

Listening skills are the most important skills which affect our personality, but unfortunately are underrated. We see all around, people do not listen well, they misinterpret, operate from biases or preconceived notions, do not understand the gist but absorb what suits their biases. Why does that happen? Because no one exposed them to Listening Skills. …

How comparisons kill the real self of the child

September 9, 2022 0 Comments

During parenting, the mistake we do, is comparing the children either with siblings or friends or others. This thing is much more prevalent in tier 2 cities. Even in metros, this old school thought still exists, ending up hurting a child’s self esteem and his true potential. On the contrary, instead of comparing children with …

10 Life Skills that children must learn by the age of 10

September 9, 2022 0 Comments

Childhood days, especially before the age of 10, are the best days to tune the child, because beyond that, the mental conditioning starts fixating, going along the whole way out till adulthood, and is difficult to mould in later life stages. Child’s mind is evolving very quickly, and is receptive to all external stimuli, with …

If the child is too Gullible!

September 8, 2022 0 Comments

For kids, most of the things are new. Few question and curiously inquire about things, and few just accept without questioning. The latter ones have the tendency to become gullibles. And we know, the world is always ready to exploit gullibles for their benefit, so one can’t afford to be one.  But the larger question …

How to develop patience levels with children!

September 8, 2022 0 Comments

Kids are dear to any parent, and we parents leave no stone unturned for their growth, development and nurturing. We take all sorts of initiatives, provide them with the best of facilities, spend good amounts on their fee and well being, and make every effort to keep them happy, healthy and smiling. But sometimes, children …

When the child is over-sensitive

September 8, 2022 0 Comments

Children are cute. Children are sensitive, which is good. But what if the child is over sensitive, & takes every small thing to heart, or even affects the psyche or mind! We know the world outside is not that fair, or generous. And one can not afford to be over sensitive in a world where …